Ordinary time

We call this “Ordinary time” in church terms – there are no high days or holidays, nothing really until we’re almost at Advent. Sunday after Sunday, week after week, just being “ordinary”. The dictionary definition is “with no special or distinctive features: normal: commonplace: standard” and in churches it’s the time when Pentecost has finished … [Read more…]

Church roof and a Covid update

Dear Friends If you were at the Church meeting last week, you will have heard the wonderful news that Northern Synod trust has agreed to support us with our much-needed roof repairs! The leaded valleys in the main roof need to be stripped out and replaced. In addition, the flat roofs will be replaced with rubber, … [Read more…]

Rain did not stop play!

Dear Friends After the summer we had last year with all it’s restrictions on activities – this year feels like it has been VERY busy! Way back at the beginning of June we had our friendship group return with a bang – an excellent celebration of 40 years at St Columba’s. Since then it feels … [Read more…]

One day at a time

Dear Friends How are we all feeling about the ending of covid safety measures? To be perfectly honest, I’m feeling a bit nervous. I spend a lot of time on the bus, in shops, in public places – and I’m worried. It’s only been a day or two, but already the number of people not … [Read more…]

Success! Exciting things are coming …

Hello Everyone, I think I’ve met nearly all of you now, but I’m Fliss and I’m a student at Northern College, training to be a CRCW. I’m been on placement here at St Columba’s Church since October. While some aspects have been frustrating, I have learned how to be more adaptable during my time here … [Read more…]

Harvesting the harvest

A reflection on Pentecost from Christian Aid So very often we think of Pentecost as being the day the Holy Spirit came. The reality is that the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost. Pentecost was actually the Jewish ‘Spring Harvest’. A time to look forward and pray for God’s provision for the rest of the year. … [Read more…]

A farewell message from Sue Fender

Most people will be aware that our minister, Rev Sue Fender, has accepted a call to a group of churches in Cambridgeshire. Sue’s last service with the Hartlepool & Teesside group will be on 25th April via Zoom. We wish Sue and Alex well in their new home and as they move forward in Sue’s … [Read more…]